• Stop Fat and Thin Shots

    Written by Adrian Fryer on Thursday 27 November 2008

    If you are prone to hitting shots fat or thin your swing path may be too much from the inside or the outside. This will cause the bottom of the swing arc to occur in the wrong place. TG Top 12 Teacher Adrian Fryer has a simple method of getting your club to bottom out at the ball. All you need is a...

  • Body Rotation Hoop Drill

    Written by Adrian Fryer on Thursday 27 November 2008

    A great way to visualise the set-up for a draw or a fade is to place a hula hoop on the ground. To hit a draw you simply need to step around the hoop to aim right of the target and to hit a fade you need to step around the hoop to the left of the target. TG Top 12 Teacher Adrian...

  • Improve Your Swing Plane

    Written by Adrian Fryer on Thursday 27 November 2008

    If you are struggling to understand the swing plane, simply pop a hoop over your shoulders holding it in your left hand, mirroring the angle of your golf club shaft at address.  From this position practice rolling your club up and down the right half of the hoop. This will give you the feel for the correct swing plane. TG Top 12 Teacher...

  • Punch Low Shots Through the Hoop

    Written by Adrian Fryer on Thursday 27 November 2008

    Learn to lower the trajectory of your golf shots by positioning a hoop upright about three or four paces ahead of the ball. The goal is to punch shots through the hoop. TG Top 12 Teacher Adrian Fryer demonstrates how to squeeze the ball off the turf to lower the ball flight and help you drill shots through the hoop.

  • Chip Balls into the Hula Hoop

    Written by Adrian Fryer on Thursday 27 November 2008

    To be a consistent pitcher of the ball it is important to select your landing area – the place where you are going to pitch the ball before it rolls to the hole. An easy way to develop and practise this skill is to place a hula hoop down as your landing area and try to pitch shots into it. TG Top...

  • First ever golf lesson: part three – the finish

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 14 October 2008

    Do you struggle to reach a balanced finish position? This is one of the crucial elements to a great golf swing that every golfer should achieve. In the final part of our beginner’s guide to golf, TG Top 12 Teacher Dan Frost takes a raw beginner through to a great finish position. Sea Island Resorts (USA) photographer William Torillo has never swung...

  • First ever golf lesson: part two – the backswing

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 14 October 2008

    Do you struggle to get into a good backswing position? This tip is for you. In the second part of our ‘learn to play golf’ series, TG Top 12 Teacher Dan Frost takes a raw beginner through the basics of getting into a great backswing position. Sea Island Resorts (USA) photographer William Torillo learns the two keys of the backswing – keeping...

  • First golf lesson: part one grip and posture

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 14 October 2008

    Never had a golf lesson in your life? Want to sharpen up your basics? This tip is for you. TG Top 12 Teacher Dan Frost takes a raw beginner through the fundamentals you need to learn to swing the golf club. In his first lesson Sea Island Resorts (USA) photographer William Torillo learns how to grip the club correctly and get into a...

  • Improve Your Accuracy

    Written by Scott Cranfield on Tuesday 16 September 2008

    There’s nothing more frustrating than striking the ball well only to watch it fly in the wrong direction. There really is no excuse for a lack of accuracy, all you need to do is spend a bit of time preparing before you hit the shot. That means aiming correctly at the pin. Alignment starts with the clubface. Watch this video instruction tip...

  • Posture Video Instruction Tip

    Written by Zane Scotland on Monday 1 September 2008

    There is no excuse for having bad posture when addressing the golf ball. You can check this in front of a mirror at home or on the driving range. Watch this posture video instruction tip and you’ll see what I mean.

  • Compact Swing Drill

    Written by Zane Scotland on Monday 1 September 2008

    A flying right elbow when the arm separates away from the body is a common fault that amateur golfers suffer with. Top European Tour professional Zane Scotland has a very simple compact swing drill you can do to develop the feel of keeping the right elbow a little more tucked in to the side of the body. Watch this compact swing drill...

  • Swing Rhythm Drill

    Written by Zane Scotland on Monday 1 September 2008

    Is your swing jerky or erratic? Good rhythm is the foundation for a great golf swing. European Tour professional Zane Scotland uses a very simple counting drill to get a good rhythm into his swing on the practice ground before teeing off in a tournament. Watch this video tip and try the swing rhythm drill for yourself.

  • Add More Power Tip

    Written by Zane Scotland on Monday 1 September 2008

    We’d all like to add another 10 yards to our drives and out on Tour there is a lot of pressure to hit the ball long and straight off the tee. One little exercise I do on the driving range to help add more power is the X-Drill, as this video shows.

  • Half Swing Finish Drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Friday 8 August 2008

    In this interactive golf lesson, PGA Pro Dan Frost demonstrates the half swing finish drill. The golf video lesson is part of our unique interactive video lesson series, which has been filmed during real golf lessons to capture the interaction between golfer and golf coach. The ‘fly on the wall’ style video shows you how a top golf coach goes about fixing major...

  • Golf Set Up Tuition

    Written by Dan Frost on Thursday 7 August 2008

    In this interactive golf lesson, PGA Pro Dan Frost demonstrates how to get into the correct golf set up position. The golf video lesson is part of our unique interactive video lesson series, which has been filmed during real golf lessons to capture the interaction between golfer and golf coach. The ‘fly on the wall’ style video shows you how a top...

  • Golf Posture Tuition

    Written by Dan Frost on Wednesday 6 August 2008

    In this interactive golf lesson, PGA Pro Dan Frost demonstrates the perfect posture and a great drill to help you achieve it every time. Good posture underpins the entire swing so it’s important to get it right, stick that chest out, stay down through the shot and make a tidy finish. The golf video lesson is part of our unique interactive...

  • Swing & Stance Golf Drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Wednesday 6 August 2008

    In this interactive golf lesson, PGA Pro Dan Frost demonstrates a simple, yet effective way to establish a good backswing and throughswing position. The golf video lesson is part of our unique interactive video lesson series, which has been filmed during real golf lessons to capture the interaction between golfer and golf coach. The ‘fly on the wall’ style video shows you...

  • Improve Your Leg Action

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 5 August 2008

    In this interactive golf lesson, PGA Pro Dan Frost demonstrates the importance of your leg movement for generating power in the golf swing. By driving the right knee towards the left leg you’ll put more pressure and therefore power into the shot. The golf video lesson is part of our unique interactive video lesson series, which has been filmed during real...

  • Shorten Your Swing Golf Drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Monday 4 August 2008

    In this interactive golf lesson, PGA Pro Dan Frost demonstrates a great tip to help you set the club in the perfect position at the top of the backswing and stop the dreaded overswing. The golf video lesson is part of our unique interactive video lesson series, which has been filmed during real golf lessons to capture the interaction between golfer and golf...

  • Golf Drill To Improve Your Left Arm Position

    Written by Dan Frost on Monday 4 August 2008

    In this interactive golf lesson, PGA Pro Dan Frost demonstrates a great drill to get your left arm in the right position (for the right handed golfer). The golf video lesson is part of our unique interactive video lesson series, which has been filmed during real golf lessons to capture the interaction between golfer and golf coach. The ‘fly on the wall’...

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