weight distribution

By TG Instruction Editor

Great balance is the foundation for a great golf swing. The Belfry’s head teaching professional Gary Alliss demonstrates how to shift your weight correctly in your swing by focusing on your footwork…

Balance and stability are essential in achieving a successful golf swing. One of the most important factors that will govern this is the width of your stance. Golfers are often taught to stand with their feet shoulder width apart, this is very vague and a ‘one size fits all’ mentality is not suitable for every club.

A wedge requires a much smaller stance than a driver for example. Using the club as a marker, imagine a vertical line that falls down from your outer shoulders to your outer feet.

Again, using the club shaft as a marker, make the outside of the shoulders line up with the middle of your feet. 

A driver requires the widest stance. Use the shaft of the driver to line up the outside of your shoulders with the inside of your feet.


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