Three ways to control your distance

By Andy Sullivan

I swing to three points with each of my wedges to gauge distance. It means I can consistently hit any number within a 30-yard range with the same wedge.

The first point is a tag or sticker on the shaft. I swing so that this is in line with my shoulder. For a longer shot I swing so my hands are level with my shoulders and the final shot is a full swing. With each of these swings I always complete a full finish and never hold it off; this means that controlling my distance is solely about the length of my backswing. These three swings cover an extensive range of distances, but if I’m ever left with a yardage in between two of them, I simply grip down the club slightly and swing to one of the three positions. Keep the ball in the middle of your stance and focus on being as shallow as possible for a consistent strike.

Distance Control

1. Swinging the shaft sticker to my shoulder gives me 85-87 yards with a sand wedge.

2. Swinging my hands to my shoulder gives me 90-95 yards with my sand wedge.

3. Finally, a full shoulder turn will give me 105-110 yards with my sand wedge.

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