
  • Deep Rough Recovery Shot Tuition

    Written by Dan Frost on Thursday 17 July 2008

    Hitting the ball into the deep rough will inevitably happen throughout the week of The Open. Striking the ball out of the rough is a task amateurs and professionals alike have to tackle. Often, players make the mistake of trying to sweep the ball out of the rough which will usually lead to an unsuccessful shot.  The key is to descend on the ball in order to...

  • How To Play Out Of Sandy Divots

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 15 July 2008

    Birkdale will have seen a lot of golfing action over the week of The Open, with many professionals using similar techniques on the course. This can lead to lots of sandy divots being left in the landing areas. To make sure these divots are escaped without hindering the shot, PGA golf professional Dan Frost has devised a foolproof tip on how to...