Drill to improve your lag putting

By Golf World

Use this drill to improve your lag putting 

Repeatable speed control is essential to hit long putts close to the hole, and the secret to that is the length of your stroke. Making the appropriate length backswing for the putt’s distance gives a stroke good rhythm and acceleration. This easy drill improves your feel and also includes a scoring element, which simulates pressure. Try to avoid thinking too much about your technique – that hinders ability to develop feel. 

Back Foot The Judge
As you work away from the hole, your stroke will need to get slightly longer. Use your right toe as a reference for backswing length. You’ll develop a feel for how far each position sends the ball. Use this system to control your distance on the course.

#1: Use shafts or canes to create a box around the hole. These canes are 4ft long, so I’ve created a 2ft zone either side of the hole and a 3ft zone behind it. 

#2: Set up a series of balls on an angle to add some variation and to allow each a clear run at the hole. Place the closest ball 8ft away from the hole, and go back in 2ft intervals. Start from the shortest when you do the drill.

#3: Use exactly the same routine and time frame as you would on the course for real. Award yourself points for holing the putt, add three points for leaving the ball inside the box and subtract two points for hitting a cane or leaving it short. Keep your stats and continually try to beat your personal best.

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