Three Quarter Short Iron Approach Shot Tip

By Marc Warren

Marc Warren Golf Instruction

The three-quarter shot iron is an excellent shot for any player to have in the bag. It gives you an option when you’re between clubs, it penetrates into the wind, but above all it helps control distance. Club golfers often go about the shot wrongly, usually making a shorter backswing then throwing their hands at the ball. Instead, I’ll show you how letting your right elbow fold close to your side on the way back puts your body in charge – resulting in a solid, repeatable action that gives you control.

Set-Up – Pre-set a Short Swing
I’ll narrow my stance by perhaps an inch, and go a quarter of the way down the grip. Both changes promote a more compact action. I’ll probably lose about 10-15 yards on this three-quarter shot, and about half of that comes from these set-up changes. Ball position stays just forward of centre.

Set-Up - Pre-set a Short Swing

Backswing – Right Elbow Folds
My focus is on my right arm controlling the length and pace of swing through folding the elbow. If it stays close to my right side on the way back, I’m sure to make a shorter, tighter swing; if my right arm were to stay straighter and wider, it would create a much longer swing. From here I simply turn my body to the top, taking hangs and arms out of the action.

Backswing - Right Elbow Folds

Downswing – Body Dominates
Keeping my right elbow tucked in coordinates my arms and body, and that helps me take the hands out of the hit on the way down. One final thought – aim for your throughswing length to mirror the three-quarter backswing. This shot is about control, and a shorter throughswing is a good way to calm your action.

Downswing - Body Dominates


Elbow in for short irons…

Three Quarter Short Iron Approach Shot Tip

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