Fault Fixes

  • Improve your game with advice from the best tour coaches

    Written by Michael Catling on Thursday 9 March 2023

    Getting a one-on-one lesson from a tour-level coach can cost anywhere from £400 to over £10,000! It’s because golf’s greatest coaches have a lifetime of knowledge that can elevate your game to the next level. Here they offer their expertise – and they won’t charge you a penny! We asked leading tour golf coaches Claude Harmon III, Sean Foley, Pete Cowen,...

  • Stop the slice – quickly and for good!

    Written by Adrian Fryer, Fellow of the PGA based at Liverpool Golf Centre on Wednesday 1 March 2023

    Cutting out the costly tee shots is one of the best ways to lower your scores and cut your handicap. At TG, we understand that ultimately we all want to enjoy the game as much as possible. We also understand there are few more enjoyable experiences in golf than playing well. How good it would be to take your game to...

  • Are your glasses hurting your technique?

    Friday 30 November 2018

    Are your glasses hurting your technique? Focus on your glaze gaze According to stats, some 69% of the UK’s population wear glasses. If you are one of them, you’ll know how much of a pain they can be for golf! Never mind keeping them clear in the rain, they can actively compromise your technique. Here’s how… and the two steps that will...

  • Is your gear revealing you are swaying off the ball?

    Wednesday 6 June 2018

    My Gear Reveals: I’m Swaying Off The Ball… The wear patterns on the soles of your shoes can tell you a lot about what’s going on in your swing. If the lugs or spikes towards the outside of your trail foot are worn, it’s a sure sign your weight is moving too far to the outside of the foot during the...

  • Do you need to fix your lie angles?

    Thursday 24 May 2018

    Is your gear revealing that your lie angles are off? Here’s how to tell…  Check the faces of your irons after taking a divot. What is the pattern of mud and dirt on the face? Ideally it will leave a fairly level “tide mark”. But if the mark left is more diagonal – like the low-toe-to-high-heel mark shown here (above) –...

  • An easy fix for duffed iron shots

    Monday 23 April 2018

    Use this easy fix to stop duffing your iron shots Golf drills don’t need to be complicated to work, and here is one of the simplest and most effective ball-striking exercises I’ve come across. All you need is a 7-iron and a piece of chalk. Follow this plan. This tip comes from TG Top 50 Coach Ian, who works at Clark World of Golf, New Malden. Advanced...

  • Is your golf grip costing you control?

    Thursday 22 March 2018

    Is your gear revealing that your grip is costing you control?  Abrasion on your glove indicates your grip is slipping during the swing, and the thumb pad is a notoriously weak point. Signs of wear here reveal you have placed your top hand in a position that cannot support and secure the club, costing you control. Here’s what you can do...

  • Are you gripping the club too tightly?

    Wednesday 28 February 2018

    Is your gear telling you that you’re gripping the golf club too tightly? Here’s how to tell…  Take the three clubs you use the most out of your bag, and examine the grip closely. Do you see any signs of wear?  I don’t mean the general shininess that comes with use (ideally the regular player needs to change their grips once a...

  • Straighten your crooked irons

    Friday 19 January 2018

    Fault Fixer: Straighten your crooked irons When our shots start to lose accuracy, most of us turn to our technique. In fact, we’d better to focus on the clubface. TrackMan has revealed that with a 6-iron, 75% of the ball’s starting line is down to face aim at impact. If we can learn to control the clubface better, we can begin to...

  • Fault fixer: ladder drill

    Thursday 23 November 2017

    SHORT GAME Get in the zone Create a ladder target to improve your chipping control  Fault: Misjudging how far you carry the ball Fix: Improve your feel with a ladder On any feel shot, the ball’s first bounce can make or break its success. Choosing a level,  firm and predictable piece of ground for that bounce – and having the ability...

  • Select the right club around the green

    Monday 16 October 2017

    Chip by numbers: Select the right club around the green with this simple rule of thumb You can split any greenside shot into two portions – the distance to the green, and the distance from the edge of the green to the flag. Your most effective chip shot sees the ball in the air for the first part of that, and on...

  • Stop Shanking the ball with these four keys

    Thursday 27 July 2017

    Take a leap of faith to help put an end to the dreaded shanks!  Fault: Catching irons out of the hosel Fix: Address the ball out of the shank Put simply, you hit a shank because the club reutrns to the ball further away from you than it was at address. For that to happen, either your weight is moving outwards – into...

  • How to read greens properly

    Monday 5 June 2017

    Tips on reading greens: Prioritise pace over direction to cut out three-putts Fault: Poor distance control from range Fix: Focus on distance before direction.   The club golfer typically considers green reading an issue of line as opposed to pace. If this rings true with you, it’s time to have a rethink. For starters, on any putt with an element of break in...

  • Six fixes for your slice

    Written by Edward Colman on Thursday 24 November 2016

    A slice costs you distance and control but, most frustratingly of all, you don’t know why you do it. Fault: You regularly slice the ball. Fix: It is the most common miss among amateur golfers – the high slice. It costs you distance and control but, most frustratingly of all, you don’t know why you do it. I see it...

  • Bernhard Langer’s Draw/Fade Tutorial

    Wednesday 23 March 2016

    In this video, Bernhard Langer explains how to curve the golf ball both ways to play a draw and a fade. Bernhard shows you how to align your body using a simple golf club alignment drill to affect the golf ball the way you want. Watch his instruction and improve your golf game! Video by Mercedes-Benz...

  • How to cure your slice

    Wednesday 23 March 2016

    In this instruction video, TG Top 50 Coach Steve Astle shows you a simple drill that can help cure that slice!...

  • Hank Haney: Fixing common faults

    Thursday 29 January 2015

    As a special treat for you, we’ve managed to get hold of some exclusive video tips from Hank Haney, one of the world’s leading golf coaches, courtesy of TaylorMade. Here, Tiger Woods’ former coach explains why spinning the ball too much with your driver leads to poor distance off the tee and offers a couple of simple fixes to implement in...

  • Hold a Golf Club Correctly

    Tuesday 28 October 2014

    Gareth Benson shows you the correct way to grip the club with your gloved hand. Watch the video to see how moving you club grip to your fingers helps promote a strong foundation to improve your iron play.

  • Cure your slice by changing your path

    Written by Scott Cranfield on Thursday 13 September 2012

    Changing the direction your clubhead is moving as it strikes the ball will go a long way to getting rid of your weak slices. A slice occurs when the clubhead is moving across the ball from out-to-in so you need to change this around so that the clubhead feels like it’s moving through the ball more from the inside. In this golf...

  • Shake off shanks

    Written by Rob Watts on Monday 11 June 2012

    Presenting the hosel to the ball at impact, causing the dreaded shank, can be caused by a number of swing faults. The most common of these is the hands and forearms being far too active in the takeaway, rolling the club away on the inside and opening the clubface excessively. A great way to start the swing and help shake of...

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