British Masters Tee Times 2024: It’s Moving Day

By , Golf Equipment Writer. Sometimes good, always sensational.

With Ryder Cup qualification starting this week at the British Masters, getting the campaign off to a good start is key for those hoping to wear Blue and Gold in New York next year.

The 2024 British Masters sees the beginning of the qualification period for Team Europe at Bethpage, with many on the DP World Tour looking to get off to a hot start in their pursuit of a place in 2025. Although this year’s edition runs parallel to the PGA Tour’s Tour Championship, there are still plenty of big names from Europe’s current and past successes to find here on The Brabazon course at The Belfry.

Hosted by Sir Nick Faldo, the British Masters has found its home on the outskirts of Birmingham and looks to attract some of the biggest names from around the world during the closing stretch of the DP World Tour.

It’s easy to focus on Ryder Cup star Tyrrell Hatton, but the first few days has seen plenty of European Tour stars competing for both the cut line and the bigger prize available on Sunday.

These are the British Masters tee times for round 3 on Saturday:

TimeTeeGroupPlayer 1Player 2Player 3
07:2611BARRON, HaydnLI, Haotong
07:3612THORNTON, SimonDANTORP, Jens
07:4613ROTTLUFF, MaximilianHANNA, ChaseHOSHINO, Rikuya
07:5714PORTEOUS, GarrickNAKAJIMA, KeitaKJELDSEN, Søren
08:0815JOHNSTON, AndrewBLIXT, JonasHILLIER, Daniel
08:1916JORDAN, MatthewLAW, DavidFITZPATRICK, Alex
08:4118KIEFFER, MaximilianDE BRUYN, JannikNORLANDER, Henrik
08:5219COETZEE, GeorgeKINHULT, MarcusGUERRIER, Julien
09:03110BROHOLT LIND, SørenAIKEN, ThomasFORREST, Grant
09:14111SHARMA, ShubhankarWINTHER, JeffRAMSAY, Richie
09:30112WILSON, OliverOLESEN, ThorbjørnSYME, Connor
09:41113SCRIVENER, JasonVEERMAN, JohannesHILL, Calum
09:52114LAPORTA, FrancescoAPHIBARNRAT, KiradechSIEM, Marcel
10:03115SCHOTT, FreddyDEAN, JoeWALTERS, Justin
10:14116DAVIDSON, JackMOOLMAN, PieterGARCIA, Sebastian
10:25117MOLINARI, EdoardoCANTER, LaurieLONG, Hurly
10:47119GREEN, GavinSULLIVAN, AndyHIDALGO, Angel
11:03120BROWN, DanielSMITH, JordanMANASSERO, Matteo
11:14121SCHWAB, MatthiasCLEMENTS, ToddFRIEDRICHSEN, Sebastian
11:25122BALDWIN, MatthewPAVAN, AndreaROZNER, Antoine
11:36123WILSON, AndrewHØJGAARD, RasmusROCK, Robert
11:47124SVENSSON, JesperHALL, HarryLUITEN, Joost
12:09126NORGAARD, NiklasVAILLANT, TomSTONE, Brandon
12:20127KO, Jeong weonCAMPILLO, JorgeHATTON, Tyrrell
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