Happy Gilmore 2: Everything we know about Adam Sandler’s cult golf film sequel

By , Digital Editor. Tour golf nerd. World No.1 at three-putting.

It’s the news golf and movie fans have been waiting for… Happy Gilmore 2 is in the works!

Responding on the Dan Patrick Show to revelations that a much-hoped-for sequel might be on the horizon, Sandler, who played the lead role and co-wrote the original movie, confirmed that Happy Gilmore would indeed be making a return to the big screen in the not-too-distant future.

“We’ve been jamming, we have a million ideas already, said Sandler, “We’ve just got to make it a movie and make sure we’re excited about people enjoying it. It’s important. We love Happy Gilmore, we don’t want to let anybody down.”

Christopher McDonald, who played Shooter McGavin in the cult hit 1996 golf comedy had revealed just days earlier that Sandler has written a script, currently just being called Happy Gilmore 2.

“I saw Adam [Sandler] about two weeks ago, and he says to me, ‘McDonald, you’re gonna love this,’” McDonald told Audacy’s 92.3 The Fan. “I said, ‘What?’ He says, ‘How about that?’ and he shows me the first draft of Happy Gilmore 2. Maybe you should cut that out [of this audio] because I don’t wanna be a liar, but he did show me that, and I thought, ‘Well, that would be awesome.’ So, it’s in the works. Fans demand it, dammit!”

Christopher McDonald, who played Shooter McGavin in 1996's Happy Gilmore, says Adam Sandler has written a script for the sequel.

The original movie opened 28 years ago and made nearly $40m worldwide, helping Sandler become one of the world’s biggest comedy stars.

Sandler played the eponymous Happy Gilmore, a failed ice hockey player with anger issues. He discovers a talent for golf and, desperate to make money to save his grandmother’s house, he enters tournaments despite his lack of experience. With help from retired golfer Chubbs, played by the late Carl Weathers, Gilmore hones his skills and faces off against rival McGavin. Along the way, he contends with comedic obstacles like an ornery caddy and an alligator. Despite his unorthodox style and temper, Gilmore triumphs over Shooter in the final tournament, securing his grandmother’s home and his place in the golfing world.

Gilmore’s swing has been recreated on golf courses and driving ranges across the globe with players attempting to run up and hit the ball. And we guarantee that you or your playing partners use quotes from the film regularly. Ever walked up to a short putt and muttered “Tap, tap, tap it in,” or missed a putt and asked your ball “Are you too good for your home?”? Perhaps you’ve suggested “It’s all in the hips,” or accidentally agreed with someone by saying “Grizzly Adams did have a beard,”. They’re all quotes from the movie and there are plenty more where they came from.

Sandler, who gained global fame thanks to his comedic performances in 90’s movies such as Big Daddy, The Wedding Singer, and The Waterboy, has turned his attention to more serious roles in recent years and gained worldwide acclaim for his performance in 2019’s Uncut Gems, where he plays a New York City jeweler with a gambling addiction.

Sandler last ‘played’ Gilmore in 2021, celebrating the film’s 25th anniversary by smashing a golf ball in ‘Happy’ style and calling out his old rival McGavin.

“OK, it’s been 25 years since I’ve done this,” Sandler says at the start of the video. “Let’s see what happens.”

“Shooter McGavin, this is for you,” he says, before connecting with the ball in Happy’s trademark style. “I’m not lying to you, that is smashed. Smashed. That went pretty well. You’re dead, Shooter,” he laughs.

McDonald responded, saying: “Nice drive, Gilmore. 25 years, huh? Let’s see if it’s Shooter’s tour – check it out. Oh yeah, it’s all about the short game. Drive for show, putt for the dough.”

When will Happy Gilmore 2 be filmed?

In August 2024, Backstage.com which is a website that connects talent with roles in the movie industry, posted a request for actors to apply for roles in Happy Gilmore 2. They confirmed that filming would be taking place in New Jersey, USA, between September and November 2024.

When will Happy Gilmore 2 be released?

The hit sequel will be dropping into your Netflix watchlist on July 25 – which we think is the perfect date. Here’s why.

Who will be in Happy Gilmore 2?

It’s all speculation at this stage but we’d fully expect both Sandler and McDonald to reprise their iconic roles.

We’ll have to wait and see if Jared Van Snellenberg, who played Gilmore’s first caddie, could be tempted back into acting. The former child star stepped away from the big screen to become a psychiatry professor focusing on schizophrenia neuroimaging research. His character’s looks have drawn comparisons with professional golfer Will Zalatoris, with many fans suggesting the PGA Tour star could take the role in a follow-up film.

Will Zalatoris has drawn comparisons with Happy Gilmore's caddie.

We wouldn’t be surprised to see Allen Covert, who played Gilmore’s Tour caddie Otto, return for the sequel. Not only is his character, the homeless Otto – famed for his Subway cap and beer-straw hat – Gilmore’s best friend in the film, but he and Sandler are friends in real life. Covert has appeared in or worked on a host of Sandler’s other movies.

Lee Trevino appeared in Happy Gilmore.

Six-time Major champion Lee Trevino, who made a cameo in the first movie, is unlikely to return, having admitted he regretted appearing. During a 2013 interview, Tex Mex said he wished he’d read the script before signing up. “If they were going to use all those foul words in there, I never would have done it,” he reflected. Trevino’s simple head shake features throughout the film and he’s also responsible for the classic line, “Grizzly Adams did have a beard”.

Three stars from the original who will be missing from the potential follow-up are Carl Weathers, Bob Barker, and Richard Kiel.

Weathers, a former American footballer who also starred as Apollo Creed in the first four Rocky movies, passed away aged 76 in February. Sandler paid tribute on social media.

“A true great man. Great dad. Great actor. Great athlete. So much fun to be around always,” Sandler wrote of his Happy Gilmore co-star and friend. “Smart as hell. Loyal as hell. Funny as hell. Loved his sons more than anything. What a guy!! Everyone loved him. My wife and I had the best times with him every time we saw him. Love to his entire family and Carl will always be known as a true legend.”

Barker, the long-time host of The Price is Right, died in August 2023 aged 99. In the first movie, the TV presenter had played a highly competitive version of himself, paired with Happy Gilmore in the Pepsi Pro-Am tournament.

Bob Barker prepares to punch Adam Sandler in a scene from the film 'Happy Gilmore', 1996.

As a persistent heckler sees Gilmore crack under pressure and his team slip to the bottom of the leaderboard, Barker explodes and the pair brawl on the course. As the pair tumble down a hill and with Barker seemingly knocked out, Gilmore says one of the film’s best-known lines: “The price is wrong, bitch.”

But Barker has the final say in the four-minute fight scene, springing up and kicking his partner, who’d earlier mistaken him as the host of a different quiz show, in the face.

Kiel, best known for playing Jaws in James Bond, appeared as Mr Larson, Gilmore’s former employer, and, unlike his silent but terrifying character in the 007 films, he was responsible for some hilarious exchanges with both Happy and McGavin. Kiel, who was 7’2″ tall, died in 2014 aged 74.

But what of potential new stars for Happy Gilmore 2? Internet speculation is already rife with pro golfer and influencer Paige Spiranac fanning the flames around suggestions she could be cast.

Paige Spiranac recreates the 'Happy Place' scene from 1996 film Happy Gilmore.

Posting to her four million Instagram followers, the 30-year-old posed in lacy white lingerie while holding two beers in a nod to the famous “Happy Place” scene from the original movie. Julie Bowen, who went on to star in the hit sitcom Modern Family was the actor in the original dream scene in which Happy finds ways to deal with his stress and anger.

We’d also love to see Rob Schneider, famed for popping up in Sandler’s movies and yelling “You can do it!”, make an appearance. Schneider wasn’t seen in the original movie with his first “You can do it!” coming in 1998’s The Waterboy. He’s since screamed the running gag in Little Nicky, 50 First Dates, The Longest Yard, Bedtime Stories, and Click.

What will Happy Gilmore 2 be about?

With the crazy goings on in men’s professional golf over the last couple of years resembling a Hollywood script, it’s hard to imagine that anyone writing a comedy golf film right now wouldn’t use a few of PGA Tour and LIV Golf ‘storylines’ for inspiration. We’d expect plenty more Happy Gilmore vs Shooter McGavin battles, but perhaps the pair will now play on rival Tours or, given that almost 30 years have passed, perhaps they’ll be the men leading the rival tours.

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