General news

  • 101 best golf tips

    Written by Instruction Editor on Friday 9 May 2008

    Admit it, you’ve got one. A secret golf tip you can rely on in times of crisis… Like when you’re losing to the lady captain. We reckon it’s about time these hush-hush golf tip gems became known for the benefit of golfers everywhere. So we asked golf Tour pros, golf coaches, golf club pros, you guys – crikey, we even...

  • long game golf tips

    Written by Instruction Editor on Friday 9 May 2008

    1. Keep your hands soft on the club. The one tip that always improves the games of my amateur partners is not to hold the club too tightly. It’s a simple tip but a good one. Colin Montgomerie, Tour pro 2. Keep the clubhead low to the ground at the start of the takeaway. Don’t break the wrists. This promotes a good turn...

  • top golf tips

    Written by Instruction Editor on Wednesday 7 May 2008

    1. Learn the Vardon (overlapping) grip. It’s the most uncomfortable thing for a beginner to achieve but is the only thing that will guarantee that your bone structure and joints will perform correctly. Without the benefits of this grip it will put the swing out of shape. Alex Hay, TV commentator 2. Get a lesson from a qualified pro and work...

  • golf tips | Mind

    Written by Instruction Editor on Tuesday 6 May 2008

    1. Think about the shot you’ve got next. It helps you forget a bad shot. If I mess up, as I walk to the ball I will start thinking about my next shot – instead of walking thinking about the bad shot. Use the time to think about the possibilities, what you can do and what you can’t. In that...

  • set up golf tips

    Written by Instruction Editor on Tuesday 6 May 2008

    1. Use the floor to help you with alignment and ball position. I’ve have found that standing on floorboards, tiles or flagstones gives a clear perspective on where to place the ball on the course. Use the lines along your toes for alignment and at right angles to them for ball position. Tony Brooks, TG reader 2. Your address posture controls...

  • short game golf tips

    Written by Instruction Editor on Monday 5 May 2008

    1. Use a 7-iron for shots just off the green. Use a putting stroke to carry the ball over the fairway and on to the green. Chris O’Connor, TG reader 2. In bunkers you need to hit the sand under the ball – not the ball itself. A great way to get the feeling of this is to put something small...

  • TaylorMade Tour Truck

    Written by Staff Writer on Tuesday 22 April 2008

    Black, sleek and ready to rumble! Inside TaylorMade’s new Tour Truck! On a recent visit to Wentworth, TG gained access to TaylorMade’s new Tour truck and have been allowed to give you a look inside the 28-tonne monster. This is the place where Tour players such as Justin Rose, Darren Clarke and Paul McGinley go during tournaments to tune up their clubs...

  • Young Tiger Woods golf video

    Written by TG Instruction editor on Saturday 12 April 2008

    Tiger Woods is already known as possibly the best golfer ever to walk the planet. His Golf swing and ability to stay calm under the most immense pressure have won him millions of golf fans. Here, in this exclusive golf video, we show rare golf video footage of Tiger Woods as he grew up from golf playing toddler to all conquering...

  • the masters 2008 lee westwood short game

    Written by TG Instruction editor on Friday 11 April 2008

    Lee Westwood’s opening round at the 2008 Masters highlighted how far the Worksop Tour pro has come in the last 12 months – and TG can exclusively reveal just how he has got his golf game back in order. Lee Westwood turned to former pro Mark Roe in order to help sharpen his short game, the piece of the jigsaw Westwood...

  • Apr9 FootJoy

    Written by TG Staff Writer on Wednesday 9 April 2008

    With the first Major of the year just over 24 hours away, FootJoy have created a special “Masters” shoe that is available to players this week. While you may recognize the design of the FootJoy Classics, it’s the special green and white colour choice that will catch your eye! Check out the FootJoy blog at the link below for more details! Just one day to go...

  • apr3 rydercupfitness

    Written by TG staff writer on Thursday 3 April 2008

    Europe’s Ryder Cup team should be as fit as fiddles for this September’s duel in America. Many of the leading candidates seeking places in The European Team to defend The Ryder Cup  in the United States this autumn will be offered a unique opportunity to monitor their fitness ahead of the rigorous examination to be faced in golf’s greatest team event...

  • taylormade tour truck

    Written by TG Staff Writer on Thursday 20 March 2008

    TaylorMade Golf has officially unveiled its new new European Tour Truck at Wentworth Golf Club, home of the European Tour. The event, which was attended by TaylorMade staff player Darren Clarke and the TaylorMade Tour truck Team signifies an exciting advancement to the TaylorMade’s Tour offering and reflects its position as the No.1 Driver, No.1 Fairway Wood and No.1 Iron on the...

  • mar12 handicap tracker

    Written by TG instruction editor on Wednesday 12 March 2008

    Our job on is to help you play better golf and our golf handicap tracker is the best way to keep a track of your golf progress. Our golf handicap tracker system has been up and running for several months now and with the season now approaching now is the time to start making use of the handicap tracker’s FREE...

  • mar7 brightspark

    Written by TG staff writer on Friday 7 March 2008

    Ex-footballer, current TV soccer pundit Mark Bright had one of those golfing moments at The Oxfordshire when he stood back in disbelief after seeing his electric trolley and clubs disappear into a lake! Many golfers have fallen foul of the testing island green on the 8th hole at The Oxfordshire but competitors in the London Golf Show media day ended up in...

  • tour player swing library

    Written by Equipment Editor on Tuesday 19 February 2008

    The ‘TG Tour Player Swing Library’ is a way for you to watch all your favourite tour player golf swings under one roof. Over the next few weeks we will be updating this page to bring you as many high quality tour player golf swings as we can. For some golfers we will also include golf swing analysis videos. Please scroll down...

  • Parque da Floresta Press Release

    Written by TG Staff Writer on Monday 18 February 2008

    Vigia’s award-winning Parque da Floresta Golf and Leisure Resort has announced the dates and programme of events for the 2008 Easter Golf Festival. The 2008 Easter festival runs from the 21st March – 26th March and set in the western Algarve, amongst rolling hills, golden beaches, timeless fishing villages and unspoilt countryside, Parque da Floresta, is the perfect get-away...

  • Tiger Woods Gillette advert

    Written by TG Staff Writer on Wednesday 13 February 2008

    You heard the one about the tennis ace, the football star and the golf magician? No? Well, we haven’t either, but what we have seen is the new Gillette advert with Roger Federer, Thierry Henry, and the best golfer on the planet Tiger Woods! We’ve managed to get hold of some exclusive backstage footage for you to enjoy!...

  • Colin Montgomerie Coaches Stars Of The Future

    Written by TG Staff Writer on Tuesday 12 February 2008

    Colin Montgomerie may be infamous for his short temper on the golf course but what a lot of people may not know is that he also does a lot to support the grass roots of the game. In this video we see Colin Montgomerie talking about the future of golf for today’s youngsters, how exciting it is to be living in...

  • jan31 Poulter naked

    Written by Jock Howard, Golf World on Friday 1 February 2008

    Ian Poulter has got his kit off for the cameras – and says we haven’t seen the best from him yet. In an exclusive and much talked about interview with Today’s Golfer’s sister magazine Golf World ultra-confident Poults also believes that when he does play to his full potential, “it will just be me and Tiger”. The Brit, who is on...

  • Avon calling

    Written by TG staff writer on Wednesday 9 January 2008

    Luton Hoo greenkeeper Avon Bridges has flown to America after beating off stiff competition from around the country to win a top scholarship. As winner of the Toro Student Greenkeeper Scholarship Award, Avon’s prize includes the eight-week trip to America to complete a residential turf management study course at the University of Massachusetts. Avon, who is 27 and lives in Leighton Buzzard,...

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