Joe Miller hits 423-yard drive to win World Long Drive Championship

By Edward Colman

Englishman Joe Miller secured his second World Long Drive title on Wednesday night with a 423-yard drive.

Miller,who attend the Today’s Golfer Callaway Kings of Distance Day, faced Ryan Steenberg of Rochester, New York, in the final held in Thackerville, Oklahoma.

Steenberg hit first, leaving Miller 412 yards to beat and he produced a 423-yard screamer to win the championship.

“A real honor to be standing here,” said Miller.

“It’s been building up since I won the last title in 2010 and I’ve been working hard and training hard to do it.”

The 31-year-old picked up $125,000 in prize money and was awarded a boxing-style title belt with his title.

In the quarterfinals Miller eliminated Mitch Dobbyn of Arlington, Texas wth a 437-yard drive his best of the event.

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