Could golf cure Britain’s obesity epidemic?

By , Contributing Editor (mainly contributing unwanted sarcasm and iffy golf takes, to be honest)

61.7% of adults in Britain are overweight. 24.8% are obese, meaning their weight is likely to have an adverse effect on their health. Britain has the highest levels of obesity in Europe. In short, we need to do something to get people in shape. 

Could golf be the answer? 

“The health benefits are clear for so many who take part,” says Conservative MP Karl McCartney. “If everybody played a round every week perhaps the obesity problem we face in our country would soon be eradicated because golf cannot be played without indulging in physical exertion.”

Rory has transformed his body in the last few years

The government’s acting Sports Minister David Evennett agrees that golf could improve the health of the UK population.

“There was a 2009 study of 300,000 Scandinavian golfers which estimated that those who play the game live five years longer than non-players, regardless of age, gender, or socio-economic status. “So there’s another encouragement.”

Estimates suggest that you’ll walk six to seven miles during an 18-hole round of golf, and burn around 1,500 calories. 

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