Test Cleveland’s CBX wedges and Launcher HB driver for us.

By , Today's Golfer Equipment Editor

We’re looking for 4 TG readers to put Cleveland’s new CBX wedges to the test. Cleveland reckon the new CBX cavity back model is designed for 84% of golfers (basically anyone who uses cavity back irons) and is very capable of improving your short game accuracy and shaving shots from your game. We’re looking for 4 lucky readers, who each will receive a wedge fitting from Cleveland plus two CBX wedges for their own use.

We also have an opportunity for 4 further TG readers to test Cleveland’s new Launcher HB driver. Cleveland say the HB has been specifically designed with no adjustability to help you hit drives longer, with better accuracy and consistency. 4 lucky readers will each receive a driver fitting and Launcher HB driver to takeaway.  

If you’d like to tke part in either test you need to be able to get yourself to Kings Hill Golf Club in Kent on Thursday 12th October (for a mid-morning start).  And take part in a photo shoot as well as giving feedback after testing the product.   

If you’d like to be considered for either test please tell us your name, email address, where you play your golf, your current handicap, as well as highlighting which test you’d like to be considered for. Also let us know which driver and wedges you currently use.

Include all those details on an email and send it to reader.reviews@todaysgolfer.co.uk

We will contact the lucky participants no later than Friday 6th October 2017.

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