TaylorMade Corza Ghost mallet putter
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RRP: £129
TECH TALK The purpose of the white head is to maximise contrast against the green. In theory, this stimulates the retina, enabling a golfer to focus and aim the leading edge. Other alignment helpers include a see-through circle in the crown and three black aiming lines set at the width of a golf ball. The nine-gram face insert is made from a soft titanium alloy and features 14 polymer-filled grooves designed to impart forward roll immediately after contact.
L “Steady as can be. The face absorbs the ball.” … “The matt finish is actually really good in the sun.”
M “The ball hugged the ground like a sports car with low-profile tyres.”
H “This putter matches my shoes, which I’m not so sure about.”
HOT To us, the science of the shape and the face means miles more than the colour.
NOT Offering only one headweight across three shaft lengths isn’t a great
effort to tune swingweight.
Performance: 4.5
Innovation: 4.5
Look/Sound/Feel: 4
Demand: 5