Hole more putts with the claw grip

By Steve Astle

The claw putting grip has evolved to become a viable golf hold in its own right, used by Ryder Cup stars Justin Rose, Tommy Fleetwood, Sergio Garcia and Webb Simpson.

Once a perceived crutch to twitchy putters, the grip has become far more accepted having helped so many European Tour and PGA Tour players to big victories.

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The claw grip helped Justin Rose to World No.1.

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In giving the trail hand a more passive role, its chief benefit remains bringing peace to warring hands; but users also report an easier flow to the stroke, a more stable face and the mental benefits that come from starting afresh with a new technique.

Sergio Garcia won The Masters using the claw grip.

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If you feel putting is holding you back, it might well be worth a try. Here’s how.

Claw putting grip step 1: Align the lead hand

Align the lead hand.

The putter’s shaft and lead forearm should form something close to a continuous line. Bring the two together in line and you will see how the grip runs up the hand, not across it.

Place the butt in the lifeline opposite the middle of your wrist, and let it run down the palm to the index finger.

Related: The A-Z of Putting

Claw putting grip step 2: It’s a wrap

Wrap the fingers around the grip.

Now wrap the fingers of the lead hand around the grip. This should seat the thumb neatly on the flat top of the handle, with the back of the hand broadly facing the hole.

Related: What are the best putter grips? 

Check the butt is held securely against the inside of the wrist and that there is no major angle in the back of the wrist. Keep the pressure light.

Claw putting grip step 3: Caught in the web

Caught in the web.

Introduce your trail hand, its palm facing the hole. Split thumb and forefinger either side of the handle so the top of the index finger is behind the grip, the thumb is in front of it and the webbing between the two touching the back of the handle.

This zone will provide a light, yet secure hold of the club.

Related: What is Aim Point putting?

Claw putting grip step 4: Two down

Two down.

Place two fingers behind the handle and squeeze gently between thumb and index finger. Make some practice swings; this will almost feel like a lead-hand only stroke, the lower hand supplying stability but not force.

It will take a little getting used to but in time you’ll begin to feel a stroke dominated by the arms and shoulders, not the hands.

Related: Best Putting Mats

Steve Astle is a TG Top 50 teacher, advanced PGA Professional at Morley Hayes, Derby and Head of Coaching at East Midlands Golf Academy.

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