What to do if there’s a cardiac arrest on the golf course
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As part of our Drive for Defibs campaign, we want to teach every golfer in the country what to do if someone suffers a cardiac arrest on the golf course.
Our Drive for Defibs campaign is brought to you in association with Motocaddy
It’s often said that doing something is better than doing nothing at all, which is why we believe we can all help each other by learning CPR and becoming lifesavers on the golf course.
A sudden cardiac arrest strikes without warning. It doesn’t discriminate by age, sex or even fitness level. It can happen to anyone at any time. According to the Resuscitation Council, there are around 200 cases in the UK each day and just one in 10 people lives to tell the tale. This is often due to a lack of quick and effective action.
For every minute that goes by without receiving defibrillation or CPR following a cardiac arrest, a person loses 10 per cent of their chance of survival. Knowing CPR will give you the confidence and ability to save the life of a relative, friend, colleague or even a stranger.

How does CPR work?
While CPR alone is unlikely to restore the heart to normal function, it is absolutely crucial to survival in cases of cardiac arrest.
Starting immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is vital as it restores a partial flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart, extending the timespan in which successful resuscitation is possible.
Due to good-quality CPR and expert medical care, people have been known to be resuscitated after hours without a heartbeat.
STEP 1: Shout for help
If you come across someone who is unconscious, always check for danger before shaking them gently. Look and listen for signs of normal breathing.
STEP 2: Call 999
If the person is not breathing or not breathing normally… Call 999 immediately and put the phone on speaker.
STEP 3: Fetch a defibrillator if you can
If someone is with you, ask them to fetch a defibrillator and bring it back. Do not leave the person if you are on your own.
STEP 4: Give chest compressions
1. Kneel next to the person and place the heel of one hand in the centre of their chest.
2. Place your other hand on top and interlock your fingers.
3. With straight arms, press down by two inches on their breastbone and release twice per second.
4. Repeat these compressions until a paramedic or defibrillator arrives, or the person shows signs of life. If you’re feeling tired, and there’s someone nearby to help, instruct them to continue in the same way.
5. If you have a defibrillator, switch it on and follow the instructions. A defibrillator will tell you exactly what to do.
If you’ve got a story that you’d like to be told, you’re hosting a fundraising event inspired by our campaign, or you at a golf club that has recently installed a defibrillator, get in touch with us, here.
Motocaddy’s GPS app, which includes CPR guidance, AED locator and emergency contacts, is free to download on iOS and Android devices from the Apple App Store and on Google Play.